The Interdisciplinary Practice Studio is part of Media Arts Department at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland.

The studio emphasizes artistic collaboration. Students are encouraged to organize in duos, or larger ensembles,
write manifestos, or organize art events. We put great emphasis on the daily practice of art, working out a way to think by acting. Realized projects contain several forms of expression (music / sound, object, movement, installation, etc.). The key reference is the context of the place and time and the process of creating an artistic proposal.
The studio refers to the interdisciplinary and avantgarde traditions of Dadaist evenings, Bauhaus school or neo-avantgarde practise of Happenings / Fluxus movements or Black Mountain College, conventions, post-artistic tradition, open-air workshops, and DIY and Artist Run Spaces culture. Programme of the studio complements training based on individual practice.

As part of the course, we also discuss selected texts that problematize various issues of contemporary art practice.
We invite guests from various disciplines to conduct workshops and share practical and theoretical knowledge within the fields of contemporary music, choreography, stage design, experimental film etc. The lecturers of the Interdisciplinary Studio – dr hab. Zorka Wollny and dr hab. Lukasz Jastrubczak – are the initiators of the “Młode Wilki” Art Festival and the organizers of the “Duos Festival” in Kilifi (Kenya). Zorka Wollny is also a curator of international soundart project Tekhne.