Summer Academy Rosow 2023 Non-human Perspectives.

Art exchange between Die Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee and Art Academy in Szczecin.

The first Rosow summer academy, which takes place in a former railway workers’ settlement on the Berlin-Stettin route, considered non-human perspectives. The area is so remote that it is uninhabited *according to the area index, which indicates the amount of inhabitants per geographical area. In her 2018 book Staying
With The Trouble, Donna Harraway proclaimed the” Chthuluzene” as a new age of continued learning, skipping over the Anthropocene and the Capitalocene with the question of how we can live on a damaged earth. One source of knowledge we need is the experience of the non-human. Occupying a liminal space, Art can take the form of border crossing. 

The first Rosow Summer Academy will explore our dysfunctional relationships with nature, technology and the cosmos in order to develop a more-than-human understanding of the connections and dependencies that shape our lives and the world around us.
During an intensive week on an abandoned site somewhere next to the train tracks, students explored sources of non-human perception through art making. Daily seminars and exercises were scheduled, with plenty of time and space for independent work, that mainly took place in the outdoor surroundings.

International Guest Lecturers : Artists, Art Historians and Researchers :
Gabriel Rossell Santillan (MX), Jol Thoms (CA), Gediminas Zygus (LT),
Regine Rapp (DE) a.o. During the entire period, Zorka Wollny, Mariechen Danz and Andrea Huyoff were available in an advisory capacity.

Show: On 06/10/23 there was an exhibition of works on site and series of performances and concerts with invited guests and the public of the local community.

works by
Alicja Małek
Kajetan Wójcik & Mikołaj Tomczak