On October 2019 students from Szczecin Art Academy (PL), Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology (CZ) and Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (SK) met in Banska Stiavnica in Slovakia – in a city known for its gold mines. They had spent a week together, and tried to create something collaboratively. The failures and achievements of the process were presented to the public at Banska Stanica artist run space and later on November exhibited in Szczecin – as part of Młode Wilki 19 Festival. The presentation of the project was also held on January 2020 at TIC Gallery in Brno.
The aim of the project was to strenghten the connection between young artists in the region and to learn and test the collaborative strategies of art production.
In frames of “AntiGoldRush” students took part in sound workshops, realized a short film “Kudlibabky”, went to pick up mushrooms, played performative games or recalled art groups, utopian art communities, grass root bands, artists’ unions and coalitions, that were created in opposition or alternatively to the art-market or art institutional structures.
Jan Siman
Gabriela Matuszewska
Mikołaj Bzowski
Sea Fur
Vojta Daniš
Jozef Pilát
Weru Špundová
Julia Frys
Natalia Keller
Iga Świeściak
Anežka Součková
Gosia Trajkowska
Kalina Łakomska
Zuzanna Sosnowska
Jan Baszak (photos by)
Svätopluk Mikyta
Martin Piaček
Zorka Wollny
Łukasz Jastrubczak
project supported by
Visegrad Fund